Back on Tulsa time / by Tahlia Roper

An interesting feeling.

It was lovely walking back into my house and feeling my space again. I've made it very cozy and colorful and just being in it gives a good hit of dopamine. My bed is of the utmost comfort, there was never a more comfortable bed.

I had to rekindle the relationship with my plants, all but one of the orchids made it through. Our relationship is always a WIP.

Haroldo, my only fur-lined son, was much happier to see me than I had thought he would be. He was very sweet and cuddly for a few days and then turned back into his sassy attacking self.

Once I got back I was able to find an engine replacement for my car and get back on the road. It has been great not needing to drive for a month but now I need my car to get to Trader Joe's. I've been very spoiled with the access that I have to grocery stores.

Since being back I've made endless çoban salatas. I also found out that a local international grocery store sells Şalgam and the tasty dried Turkish olives that I fell in love with. Now I am eating more olives than anyone should be allowed to, yolo.

I also got all of my film processed, I've been posting a few on my photography Instagram, @lawdofthefilm.

Looking back at my photos and feeling the memory of a particular space and time feels so special. I know that I really had the time of my life and was present for that trip.

Enough about Türkiye, it's time to make space for new adventures.