Time to go to Helsinki / by Tahlia Roper

July 22

Awake and packed and ready to get rid of my liras. I walked to a nearby sarayı for coffee and bread.

Then I ubered to the airport, did you know that they sell sausage in the lST airport? Now you do.

I didn't think the sausage would last on my flight to Helsinki so I passed.

I arrived very early to the airport because I travel with suspicious things like cameras and lead lined film bags and wanted to give myself ample time to pass security.

My checked bag was definitely over weight but I lucked out and did not get charged. So many things went my way on this trip, I was very very blessed by whatever does the blessings.

The main İstanbul airport is huge and also very lovely and nice.

Made it onto my flight with no delays 😌 and landed in Helsinki around 5.

Now for one of my favorite songs by a band called “Architecture in Helsinki”.

I had a 17hr layover so I booked a hotel room a train stop away from the airport.

I checked in and got to my room where I debated myself on if I should go down to Helsinki or just rest. I had experienced so much already, did I really need to shove a night out in Helsinki in?

I went to the hotel bar to have a snack and think it over. I questioned the bartender about her train usage and how late they run, etc. After a glass of wine I decided, why the hell not? Let's go to Helsinki(The “lets” here is my mind and body). The main area of Helsinki is about 30 or so minutes away from the Vantaa airport.

After I squabbled between taking the I or the P train I just took the one that arrived first. They both ended up at the same place afterall.

I was the only person in the underground, kind of unworldly coming from İstanbul.

It was a quaint ride to Helsinki past forests and in some way it didn't look that different from some places back home.

After I arrived in Helsinki I was so glad that I decided to venture out. Did you know that it stays light late into the evening? I'm sure you did but it surprised me.

I walked around for a bit and saw this church which was magnificent. People hanging out on the lawn, a beautiful sight.

Below and around the corner from the church was where I was headed for my Finnish beer.

I just had one beer because I was actually exhausted. I walked back to the train station catching all the good lighting. Helsinki is hella photogenic.

There was some swanky party going on in here but I guess my invite got lost in the mail.

“Do you know who I am?!?!”

They did not.

And that church at night 😻

10/10 I would definitely spend time in Finland again having only peeked a tiny bit.

I made it back to my hotel safe and sound and had a great night of sleep.