Sunday seemed a little less hot. I went on another small side adventure to a nearby village, Kayaköy.
It's an abandoned village that was left behind during a population exchange in 1923ish.
It was fun to walk around. I had tried to upload this earlier but my internet has been wonky. I'm thankful that I'm not actually working while I'm here enjoying this country. This village is older than the U.S. 🤣.
It's been interesting being in a country with so much history. I scraped my leg when we were walking around Myra and the scar is kind of grey, I'm wondering if some ancient dust got into it and if later I'll find out that I've been possessed by an ancient theatre nerd?!
Only time will tell.
Had a kebap at this place and I gotta say, I like the ownership and confidence of this guy.
The view driving back down into Fethiye.
After returning to Fethiye, I took a rest. Even though I'm out here in a country alone, I still need space. It's an interesting feeling.
Then it was BBQ time with my host and her family and friends. I drank some Turkish Savignon Blanc and we all laughed a lot and ate tasty foods. At one point they put on songs from the musical Oklahoma! And started singing it…it cracked me up.
My friend gave me a cuddle too. I love this lil sassy cat.
Overall it was a great Sunday. I had to use most of Monday to recover from it. Recover, rest, recharge.
It's a full moon tonight 🌚🌕 I've been quite excited about seeing the full moon in Türkiye.
Using the day to quiet my mind and ready it for the next adventures that await me.