At the end of the day, this is the conclusion.
There's nothing to be done.
I am simply here to watch.
Things will sort themselves out.
The body & the mind they'll move and shake…and I'm supposed to sit back and be aware of it.
I mean I can't exactly just hang out in the woods, I have bills to pay.
Would I be paying those bills, either way? If I thought I had control over it or not?
Am I the one paying the bills? Or am I that kinky soul that is watching “myself” pay bills?
We haven't reconciled ourselves yet.
I'm not my body, I'm not my mind, but a third more peculiar thing which isn't a thing at all but an experience.
The collective consciousness experiencing itself….got it 😅🤣😇.
Idk sometimes I'm just a girl 💅 and I am thinking too much either way.
That would be true of course, if I had the control.
The only control there seems to be is a surrender to the fact that we do in fact not have control and the best next thing we can do is to just be aware.
Alright I'm tuckered out now, time to dream.