Just a regular day / by Tahlia Roper

Oh yah, and it’s also my birthday.

Another “year” in the grand scheme of space and time.

Technically- everyday is your birthday, when you consider that at any moment you could get Weird Al Yanked right off the plane of existence.

Birthdays mark the current location of where we are at on birth->death cycle, or so we think.

You made it another year, congratulations! Time to celebrate!!

But what if I told you, there’s another way?

I have been wondering why I hadn’t felt like making a whole shebang (unrelated to DJ Shebangs) out of it.

I had a couple of theories and then I realized what it was, I am generally celebrating being alive and enjoying my life every day.

I am thankful to be alive and to be living a very beautiful existence. I do be pondering and at the end of a good ponder it's always coming up roses.

Today for my birthday I got Haroldos teeth cleaned. Luckily he didn't have to have any extractions and doesn't have to wear kitty dentures. Can you imagine?

Kitty dentures.

Oh but back to my birthday.

It's actually been a blast. I love my existence, my freedom, and lifestyle. I am very lucky to be.

Spring has sprung and I have come out of the winter(for now😅).

I did me tings today, it was a great day indeed.
