I also broke the coffee filter curse on Saturday morning so I guess you could say that everything is fixed now.
Tis the 2024 marination month, even Spotify is ready giving wrapped on Dec 1st.
Winter is for long stares off into the nothingness.
Every winter I have a realization about winter, it must be useful.
I dread it, but when it's here I think, “oh this makes sense and is needed.”
I took my little notebook to the tiki bar last night and pondered with pen.
Creating themes or outcomes that I want to work on for 2024. It's funny because we are wrapping up our strategy for work and I'm working on my personal strategy too.
I hold all plans and goals lightly knowing that I do not know what will happen in life. I set some general plans of things to learn and moves to make knowing that something wild and fun could also happen. We just really do not know, but we can set a course.
The path I'm on needs to be able to change with new information, I'm just trying to maximize the value of my life(while I have it) and not just to benefit myself but then to flow out and benefit others.
Yolo, might as well try.
I went dancing on Friday night 🥹 it was a pleasant time.
Dance is one of the keys to happiness for me. I can't really express how much I enjoy it but you can see it on my face post dancing 💃.
And now it's Sunday, time for the reset.
Time to cook, clean, and mentally prepare for a new week.
More later.