Sounded like a catchy title, huh?
I say “today's society” but humans have always had their ways to distort their image to entice and entangle others.
These are just observations from the Internet about the direction of maintenance of a woman's “look”.
As someone who (for now) is plastic surgery and filler free, social media has started to become overwhelmingly filled with “a face”. A face to me that looks foreign or more outer worldly, alien.
If I squint it blurs together: lashes, cheeks, and lips that barely move. A more “poofed” version of a person's face. I can also see the beauty in it, even if it feels strange to recognize.
These are high maintenance faces.
These procedures have the ability to completely change a persons outward appearance.
“You're not ugly, you're just poor” an internet quote.
Now there are many reasons why people choose to have these attachments, fills, and slices. And I understand them, so this post isn't about whether people should or shouldn't have work done. If something makes you feel better about yourself, I'm not going to stand in the way of that.
Even if it can be disorienting to see so often.
The kicker is, none of these external validations can provide the end game of which is acceptance of self, of body, this is something that always has to come from within.
But I'm not going to lie, it's not easy to do with all the influence and pressure from channels we collectively made up.
Humans have a funny way of creating our own problems and I think that in these cases it's important to remember that we're all on borrowed time.
Nothing is owed, everything is magic. Time is a flash in the pan. As I borrowed this body to have this experience, I'll leave it behind when I'm onto to the next.
I don't necessarily have a solution end to this post, if you think plastic surgery will make you happy, it might. This is just a comment on the strangeness of it all, our evolution.
Our motivations.