A rude awakening / by Tahlia Roper

Thursday I woke up with very strong cramps and discovered that I forgot to bring Ibuprofen with me. I set out on foot to find an equivalent at a pharmacy and cure what ailed me.

On my hard stomp to the pharmacy I got splashed with road water by some truck, the whole situation that I had found myself in seemed hilarious to me at that moment.

I carried on, got the goods, and about thirty minutes later I felt all better.

I decided to do something that I have not done in a long time, Yoga. This is a practice that I need to do daily as I've definitely lost some flexibility.

Side note- I did not find a gym for me here, I am definitely missing weight lifting and I'm ready to be back under the bar. The only weight that I've been lifting is that of myself stomping all over the town.

My mood picked up significantly once my pain went away and I needed to go out for a meal before having an zoom interview back at my bnb.

I thought, why not…why not steak?! I don't eat a lot of meat in general but given the blood that I was losing 😅 I decided to treat myself.

I also had pickled beets because I'm a freak like that.

I love beets. I love how when you eat them, you forget that you ate them, and then you get a pink surprise the next time you pee.

I saw this pretty cute old man wandering around.

I walked to a pastry shop for something cute.

This guy who I will not name said l to me, “don't get gordo”. Respectfully, don't tell me what to do sir..and for your future endeavors I would recommend never saying that to another woman.

I popped into a store to buy raki because I actually like it. The guy behind the counter started speaking Turkish to me and then acted very surprised that I was not Turkish and told me that I look Turkish, so that was neat.

I settled in and spent a couple of hours preparing for my second interview for a job I am interested in.

Once the interview was complete, I had some raki and then waltzed to the hookah lounge by the water to smoke shisha and talk on the phone with my friends.

It was a great day.

Today is my last day in Fethiye and I'll be doing some prep to leave, I have one Convo in a bit, and then I will go to the beach.
