Ah day 3 / by Tahlia Roper

And finally, I slept.

We had a big outing in the morning to the Turkish Home Depot and nearby mall. I strangely became attracted to the shopping cart wheels, purposefully 360 swiveling and able to go up a flat escalator without sliding down. Fascinating stuff. Please enjoy this enthralling picture of said wheel.

I had to find a different carryon bag because mine was so heavy (and non rolling) that the straps bruised my shoulder and also bruised my arm in a way that makes it look like I have track marks. Enough said there.

The mall was large and endless. There's something interesting going on here. Not a lot of deodorant being worn but a very big push on cologne and perfume. It's sold all over the place.

And then it was time for another solo trompse around İstanbul. I ubered to the area where the Grand Bazaar is but the Bazaar is not open on Sundays so I galavanted around the area.

I started to feel ill because I hadn't eaten yet and it was nearly 1 o' clock. So I went to the first kebab place I could find and it did not disappoint.

It was very delicious and set me back up for success. Afterwards they gave me some sort of sweet jelly on a stick and a green(in color) apple tea.

Then I just kind of walked around aimlessly for about 20 minutes. Stumbling in places that I felt like I probably shouldn't have been, as no one else was there either(a rare moment).

I searched around for a long sleeve shirt so that I could mosque with respect. I found a very light one for about $11 USD. It is my new shirt and I love how it feels like nothing. The sweat just evaporates from it, it's truly magic. Made in Türkiye.

Knowing that I was around everything: Topkapı Sarayı (palace), Hagia Sofía, and the Blue Mosque, I ventured on to check em out.

The Topkapı Sarayı:

It was lovely but to be honest at this point I was starting to get my fill of people. There's just so many of them, about 15.6 million. And all of these places are somewhat tourist areas, and I don't like to get caught up in a tourist situation, even if I am one.

It was mosque time after that. Mosques are just architecturally incredible to look at. I really kind of fancy them a bit now.

Back to my comment on tourist things, tourists create lines. I'm not a fan of lines, does this make me a bad person? I don't know but I like what I like and lines aren't on the list.

I opted to go inside the Blue Mosque, for the shortness of the line. Please don't judge me, my time here is limited and I don't want to be in a line wasting away.

A beautiful carpet, a beautiful ceiling, and people praying.

I don't feel bad about not going into more mosques because I don't feel like I should be in there. I almost feel like it's more respectful to not go inside. It feels a bit intrusive in some way, “oh don't mind me, I just like the way the building looks, y'all carryon”. They are magnificent though and I don't regret having my mosque experience. Now I'll let y'all pray in peace.

I also don't wander into churches “ooing” and “ahhing”, but if y'all are in the woods, please show some respect to my place of worship.

Anyhow, it was around 4:30 and I wanted to beat the traffic and was once again feeling the heat.

I ran into this amazing and I'm sure very authentic Gucci shirt that everyone I know wants now.

I ubered back to my pin at Global Peace Park. It was time for a rest. Time to take off all my clothes, cool down, pop a Perrier, and recharge my phone. (Perrier if you're reading this, I will take that sponsorship)

I can't rest for too long, there's action out here in Istanbul. I decided that if everyone was going to smoke and drink çay, well damnit I am too. I stomped down to a hookah lounge to act natural.

This wasn't quite on the main road but provided sufficient people watching. I wrote in my notebook, tried to look exotic, smoked myself out with the mint shisha, and called my mom. Natural.

I stopped myself from getting into a tobacco stupor and took a waltz to dinner. This waltz was disorganized and was mostly wandering up and down the same street several times before settling on a Mantı place.

Mantı is a delicious meat filled dumpling that I had never had but I could eat it everyday. This was about $4 🤤🤤🤤.

I felt like the day was semi cantankerous even though it really was not. So I got myself a random piece of cake(there are so many dessert places here, soooo many) and I ate it on the rooftop before writing this blog.

I could've stayed out and partied but this was never supposed to be a party cruise and I need to recharge for tomorrow. I think I'll venture to a new neighborhood on foot and avoid all tourist attractions.

They can't all be day 2 sometimes they are day 3.

Goodnight from İstanbul.