Last week / by Tahlia Roper

Last week was very full. I don't usually like to have plans every day of the week but sometimes you can't help it.

I'll start with Tuesday:

Tuesday I was feeling a little off after receiving some less than desired family news. I decided to go get my nails done as a distraction ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿ˜….

I received a beautiful manicure, maybe one of the best so far.

I was hungry but wasn't sure what I was feeling. I ended up going to a restaurant near my house that I hadn't been to in a looonnng time. It's a neighborhood spot where most of the people are regulars. If you sit at the bar you can guarantee that someone will strike up a conversation with you.

There I sat, admiring my own nails, sipping a dirty martini (not my drink of choice but it's what you drink at this place, I abide by the vibe). I recognized this older gent at the bar who was finishing off a bottle of wine with his friends. He commented on my nails, we exchanged minimal conversation.

As he was checking out, he also paid for my meal(I can't resist a chicken sandwich so that's what I ordered) and my drink. That's just how this person is. Of course that made my night at that point. I had another martini ๐Ÿ˜… and chugged a bunch of water while conversing with the other patrons. As I was heading out, the two charming bartenders came over with chambongs for us 3. I couldn't say no, it would've been rude.

I could've stayed there all night but for obvious reasons it was best that I left. Plus, I still had plans for that night.

Something about amazing musicians being in town for a special show with one of my jazz friends at this new venue called The Hedge. I did not have any idea what the music would sound like but I knew if my friend Annie was promoting it, that it would be worth it to see.

I had no idea how amazing it would turn out. These two musicians literally blew my music mind, I was in awe of the performance and also that I almost considered missing it.

To describe it would never do it justice, so I'll leave it as a cliffhanger.

On Wednesday I met up a new friend and had a very fascinating conversation on things you don't usually write down so we'll skip to Thursday.

Thursday, a night I had been waiting on for 10 years.

Ok that is a slight exaggeration but Girl Talk (one of my favorite DJs who mixes in a way that creates a non-stop dance party) played the Cain's ballroom for the first time in 6-10 yearsโ€ฆI don't remember the exact date of the last time I saw them but it was at least that long ago.

Months ago I sent my friend Calee a link and said โ€œget a ticket to thisโ€ and finally that night was upon us. And on the first real night of the turn of the weather. Not only did we dance but before the show started I saw two people walking around in Girl talk jerseys and asked them what was up, they were recruiting people to dance on the stage (I had a feeling) and they asked me if we wanted to, to which I replied, YASSSS.

Calee, I, and about 15 others danced for two hours straight on the Cain's ballroom stage. It was incredible tbh. I had a very strange week full of highs and lows, sometimes the juxtaposition in my life is unhinged. This night healed me in ways that I had needed for a long time.

I felt BLESSED by whatever is handing out the blessings.

A blurry photo of me in my bliss.

This is just Tuesday - Thursday and the weekend turned out amazing too.

To be continuedโ€ฆ