Ah Yes, This Is It.

Ye Ol Dental Eye was sick and I took it to the docta.

The Docta came back with bad news. No fix for my little denti eye.

While trying to decide what to do I bought a newer dental eye to check it out.  

These are the last photos I will likely ever shoot with a dental eye. 

Let's pour some for all the cameras that couldn't be here with us today. 


I have a certain love affair with the way milk looks as it goes into my coffee.

 "Take a picture of that"

My boss says as he tosses this carrot my way.

Coming across many carrots like this I gladly accepted it and walked around the remainder of the day with a carrot in my pocket.

I am not happy to see you, there is a carrot in my pants. 



I bid you farewell 35 mm.

Cheers to a new journey of medium format keeping it old school.