Tahlia RopeR
A different kind of sauce
It me, photo by Pholexx
Philosophy and life
I'm a hardcore optimist, my mind is wired to see mishaps in life as a part of a hilarious journey that I'm just happy to be alive on.
And boy does it have me laughing.
Every moment is a learning opportunity and I know that the faster that I learn lessons, the quicker my life improves. That doesn't mean that I don't get upset but my downtime is usually a fairly short conversation inside:
“What are we feeling?”
“Why are we feeling this way?”
“What can we do about it now that makes sense?”
“Ok let's do those things and move on”
And that’s how my brain works.
Problem, solution, move on.
This comes from years of mentally training myself to be consciously aware.
And the training is never over and never will be.
I've been on a journey full of trial and error but mostly full of laughs.
I've made the most of every situation that I've encountered, and I'll keep doing that for the rest of my life(it’s kind of the only option).
Life is short and I remind myself of its frailty every day…this is what gives me my spunky upbeat attitude.
I'm here to live, I'm here to learn, and I'm here to grow.
Live, Laugh, Love, ya’ll.
I lead with humor and humor leads me where I want to go.
I'm an artist and it's very much a part of me. I’m creative in ways that solve problems and create fun for me to delight in.
I’ve never really had a box to “think outside” of, I’ve never seen the box in the first place, is there a box there?
35mm film photograph - hanging behind my home setup.
In the workplace
Detail Oriented, a skill that has everyone’s back.
I'm a communication bouncer: questions will be answered, derailments stalled, and information will be accessible to all necessary parties. I champion effective communication in all aspects of life.
I follow through because I'm organized, I keep my mind on the who/what/when/where/why. Details, always.
I’m a people person, me and people - we get along. I like em’ all, especially the quirky ones.
Most notable for taking care of business in every job I’ve ever had regardless of industry experience or knowledge. I make things happen, I learn at lightning speed, and I know how to kick it into high gear.
Reliable, dependable, tenacious, Merriam Webster called to see if they could use my image for these definitions because the likeness is uncanny.
People like me because I'm funny.
I know that you shouldn't say that about yourself but this story has been corroborated by many people***(in and out of the workplace) and I’m using it as a selling point because it is actually very valuable.
When people like you, they listen to your ideas.
I'm a maker, I'm a doer, and I'm entertaining to interact with.
Life needs a little spice and well, I'm a different kind of sauce.
***If I find out that anyone that told me I was funny lied about this, consider yourself sued.